
S. Jerónimo

El monasterio de S. Jerónimo es uno de los primeros templos construidos en honor de la Inmaculada Concepción, años antes de que fuera declardo ese dogma. A incios del S. XIX fue saqueado y parcialmente destruido por las fuerzas de Napoleón que emplearon sus sillares para construir el Punte Verde. En los últimos años ha sido rehabilitado y podemos visitar una magnifica obra de arquitectura y de arte.

Al fondo se divisa la cúpula sobre el presbiterio.

San Jeronimo's. Hey, man, you all are too many artists to launch posts for one single translator like me. Oh, I have a hard time, my God! Anyway, little by little, and all this stuff in English, for our English-speaking visitors all over the world: Nice Greetings from Granada. The church on this picture was one of the first ones dedicated to the Conception Immaculate, a lot before the declaration of the dogma by the Pope. Juan Angel tells us that the French troops of Bonaparte took away some of the stones from the church to build up one bridge in the city! Oh, these French soldiers of the 19th century were crazy. Anyway I have nothing against France: last Christmas I revisited Lourdes and I got amazed and enchanted at the praying of the rosary in French: how well it sounds, believe me.

2 comentarios:

oriolmad dijo...

Tiene luz, color, los cipreses aun lado y la torre en el contrario, felicidades, por fin se va viendo algo (!!!)

Julián José Fernández Blanco dijo...
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